Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Unbundling in Louisiana ...

Legal separation allows men and women to end their relationship and live apart while remaining married. ... .Courts of Louisiana can distribute to award spousal support, marital property and determine the custody and visitation rights for spouses petition for separation. ... .Legal separation louisiana recognize the separation as an alternative to divorce. ... .The state allows, because sometimes want to live the spouses have separated, but remain married. ... .This could be for tax purposes, for religious reasons or health insurance are required. ... .In addition, the separation of law, spouses may, reconcile.Spousal supportin Louisiana, a spouse may apply for maintenance. ... .The purpose of the maintenance payments to the financially weaker spouse who have basic needs. ... .The court determines eligibility and the amount of pension by the investigation of several factors, including age and health of the spouses, the duration of the marriage, each spouse, the capacity of each spouse to maintain or. Obtain employment, the income of each spouse and .WHO. .Spouse has custody of the property children.Property DistributionAny by a spouse acquired before marriage or acquired separately during marriage .. as an inheritance is separate property ... .Separation of property shall remain the property are the sole owner. ... .Otherwise, because Louisiana is a community property, all marital property is divided equally between spouses.Child CustodyLouisiana prefer that parents share joint custody. ... .This means that a parent sees the primary caregiver, but that parents to cooperate in making decisions regarding the care of the child. ... .In determining custody, the court reviewed the "best interests of the child" factors. ... .These include son preference and the relationship of each parent with the child. ... .Other factors the court considers whether the child has to offer with special needs, such as physical, mental, social, emotional or educational performance of each parent a stable environment for the child's ability. Together from each parent in raising the child, .each. .Willingness of parents to the child to maintain a relationship with one another and the moral behavior of each parent, including criminal history or history. Abuse.VisitationAccording drugs and alcohol, the law of Louisiana, a non-custodial parent must still "frequent and continuous .. .Contact "with the child. ... .Maintenance of such a relationship of love is in the best interest of the child. ... .The non-custodial parent is reasonable access, in Louisiana, which may in turn made on weekends and public holidays and at least part of the summer. ... .This parent has an absolute right to visit, unless there is no evidence of physical or sexual abuse to support Louisiana courts determine child.Child added child benefit based on income of both parents. ... .This means that regardless of the parent has custody, both parents are obligated to financially support the child. ... .The pension is determined by the income of the parents and the sum is obtained divided by the percentage of the total cost of each parent ....

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