Monday, February 7, 2011

How to represent in divorce

You promised your spouse forever love, but sometimes is much earlier than expected. Statistics show that about 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce. If your wedding is at the end, you should retain a lawyer if possible. But if you have a lawyer can afford and you divorce think go relatively light, yourself are court.Difficulty: ModerateInstructionsThings you need: money deposit FeesAny of relevant DocumentsAny witnesses1File must your petition for divorce with the competent court in the county where you live. Call your County Office of the Court of first instance, if you must submit with the Court of justice. Give the reasons for divorce in your petition. Divorce can be a situation of "no fault" for reasons of "incompatible" or "responsible" based on the actions of another person than adultery divorce. Filing charges differ from one Member State to another, but most are $100 or less. If you have children, you must submit also documents, establishing a temporary storage and support agreement. 2Visit family divorce proceedings against your day at the Tribunal court monitor. Search Council counsel and learn about the divorce proceeding to work. Get while at the Palais de Justice, a copy of your State and local divorce rules and policies of the registry of the Court Office. Study rules to prepare your hearing. 3Dress suitable for you appear in court as if you wanted to work in an Office or a job interview. Are currently in the courtroom. Not confronting your spouse or family or witnesses before or during the hearing and maintain you quiet at all times. Address the judge as Sir, mean watch or your honor. Meet dieRichter and court staff (f)ÜR all the times. 4Have, all ready to present the Court divorce records. This includes all relevant documents for your marriage and divorce, including income, automotive, insurance, income Bclassement and custody were. Send these documents to the judge evidence. 5Be preparing to testify in your own name. Stay in its statement on point and not to be emotional. Answer all questions honestly and directly. Your spouse or anyone else directly address and interrupt the other witnesses who testify. Maintain your composure of the procedure, and if the Court announced its decision.

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