Thursday, December 30, 2010

The length of time for pendente lite from a divorce from Florida

Pending lite alimony money is given by one spouse, the other for your support during divorce proceedings. It is also known under the name of a temporary pension in Florida. The length and height of the maintenance by many factors determines. FactorsFlorida considers many factors to types available alimony be assigned amount of the maintenance and the alimony determine the duration. Factors include the length of the marriage. The Court will find the standard of living during the marriage, responsibilities during marriage and the financial means of both spouses. Please consult a lawyer for complex pendente lite issues.Time Framethe maintenance is also allowing divorce proceedings take too long the Court. The recipient part of alimony should not delay divorce hearings and finalization of temporary alimony.RequirementsYou must extend a motion requesting the alimony in court. The query must be based, show the temporary alimony during divorce requires support.

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